Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pasta with Smoked Salmon

Another smoked salmon meal from last week. This was super tasty and was pretty light for a creamy pasta. I used Gnocchi no.85 noodles that I picked up on sale at the Italian Centre a couple of weeks ago, but anything goes with this. Quick, easy, and perfect with a glass of white wine.

Smoked Salmon Pasta (serves 2):
200g pasta
1/2 medium onion, chopped
2 tsp butter
2 cloves garlic
60g light cream cheese
white wine
2 large handfuls spinach, cooked & chopped
4 slices smoked wild salmon
salt & pepper

Bring a large pot of salted water to boil for the pasta. While that is heating, add the onion, garlic, and butter to a small pan and cook over med-low heat for 5-8 minutes. Once the water has come to the boil, plunge the spinach in for a minute and then scoop it out with a sieve and add the pasta to the boiling water to cook. Drain the spinach and chop. While the pasta is cooking, add the cream cheese and white wine and reduce until you reach your desired consistency for the sauce. Season with salt and pepper and stir in the chopped spinach to heat. When the pasta is ready, drain and add to the pan with the sauce. Finally, stir in the smoked salmon and serve.


  1. Rarely do we put smoked salmon in anything, though we love the taste. A warm pasta sounds better than a cold bagel any day.

  2. Wow, BEAUTIFUL pictures! I just started an Italian food blog at

    and taking good pictures is the hardest part.

    Come check it out!


  3. I agree with the Duo Dishes...we don't use much smoked salmon because it always seems destined for a bagel or a canape. This is a great way to utilize something we might otherwise overlook. Thank you!

    Anyway, I found you on TasteSpotting and am writing to say that if you have any photos that aren’t accepted there, I’d love to publish them. Visit my new site (below), it’s a lot of fun! I hope you will consider it.


  4. Thanks Casey--tastestopping is cool, I just added it to my "cool blogs" list. Thanks!
